Asociación de Investigadores/as AfroLatinoamericanos/as y del Caribe


       AINALC is a non-profit association that forms a space to promote and strengthen the presence of Afro-Latin Americans and Afro-Caribbeans in higher education institutions and in different research centers. We bring together centers of African and African diaspora studies, stricto sensu postgraduate programs, research institutions, professors and students linked to these and other researchers with a focus on promoting the human rights of the black population in Latin America and the Caribbean, to build a space for dialogue, coordination and cooperation between different academic actors, research and technological development institutions, universities, professors and other researchers, in order to:

Promote academic mobility and technical-scientific cooperation between centers, research centers and associated researchers and researchers.

Become a permanent space for the production and dissemination of knowledge about the reality of black populations in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Contribute with the States and Civil Society in the construction of public policies to promote racial equality.

Promote participation and permanent dialogue with traditional and Afro-descendant communities, as well as the strengthening of their knowledge and productions.

Strengthen the presence of black researchers/teachers from different universities in the Latin American and Caribbean region.

Stimulate cooperation with similar institutions in the Americas, Africa and Asia, with a view to exchanging knowledge and experiences from the south of the world.

Combat gender and racial inequalities as a fundamental action in the development of our research.