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Asociación de Investigadores/as AfroLatinoamericanos/as y del Caribe |
In 2014, within the scope of the Congress of Post-colonial Studies, held in Buenos Aires (Argentina), black and black researchers from Argentina, Brazil and Colombia expressed concern about this scenario and agreed on the need to create and strengthen spaces for academic exchange. Thus, the need for a body that brings together black academics from Latin America and the Caribbean and works to strengthen the research carried out by them and them, contributing to the promotion of the Human Rights of the Black/Afrodescendant Population in these regions. The following year, in 2015, within the scope of the II COPENE-Sul Curitiba 2015 (II Congress of Black Researchers from the Southern Region of Brazil), the Assembly proposed to continue working in this direction until formalizing the creation of this body. During 2015 and 2016, in Argentina, Brazil and Colombia, executive meetings and efforts continued. For example, in September and November 2015, in Buenos Aires, in May 2016 in Popayán-Colombia, at the “Afro-Colombian Chair Rogelio Velázquez Murillo”, developed within the scope of the “National Day of Afrocolombiality” and in Argentina in the panel “Production of Afrodiasporic knowledge: tensions and articulations between the academy and black intellectuals” (Congress of Post-Colonial Studies, December 2016).
These efforts finally came to fruition when, in 2017, this year, at the Assembly of COPENE-Sul, Dourados 2017, the AINALC, ASSOCIATION OF Afro-Latin-AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN RESEARCHERS – AINALC, was created, whose objective is to bring together black researchers from Latin America and the Caribbean. of the Caribbean, creating a space for dialogue, articulation and academic cooperation between researchers, research centers, universities and professors, centers and centers of African and African diaspora studies and, in this way, promote the exchange of collective knowledge and work for the defense and promotion of the human rights of the black population in Latin America and the Caribbean.
In 2018, concomitantly with the X Brazilian Congress of Black Researchers - X COPENE, the Congress of Black Researchers from Latin America and the Caribbean - CONALC was held from October 12 to 17, 2018, where was approved by the General Assembly of AINALC, the approval of the Association's statute, the current Board of Directors with a mandate until 2021, as well as the main work guidelines with a view to consolidating the entity. Based on the horizontal dialogue between black and black researchers, researchers and intellectuals from Latin America and the Caribbean, this space also seeks to make visible a black and Afro-diasporic intellectual and emancipatory tradition that has been subordinated, privileged, denied and, in many cases, not recognized. in academic fields. We are interested in contributing to the dissemination of libertarian, progressive and humanizing thought, so that, from the south-south dialogue, they open new possibilities and emancipatory horizons for the black Afro-descendant population in Latin America and the Caribbean.