Associação de Investigadores/as Afrolatinoamericanos/as e do Caribe
Transitando los temas de la diáspora africana en América Latina y el Caribe.
Los africanos esclavizados que llegaron a América no trajeron solamente su trabajo, también trajeron su cultura y sus tradiciones musicales. En su lucha por expresarse, encontraron un gran instrumento de percusión. Era una forma de alzar su voz de protesta.

El cajón afro-peruano:
el instrumento que se negó a callar

Anny Ocoró Loango

Cuando los contecimientos se suceden a un ritmo vertiginoso en medio de dinámicas socioculturales, controvertidas y poco o mal investigadas: ¿ es posible analizar temas y situaciónes nacionales considerando solamente aspectos político-institucionales?

Coyuntura nacional, instituciones y
lucha contra el racismo

Joselina da Silva y Amauri Mendes Pereira

Es complejo definir la soledad. De ella no hablamos mucho quizás porque surgen recuerdos de dolor, rechazo, abandono y tantos otros que tantas veces quedan sin sanar pero lidiar con nuestro dolor puede ser la clave para rechazar la soledad que el sistema racista nos impone.

La soledad de la mujer negra:
un breve debate teórico

Glenda Valim de Melo

Without a doubt, the work of Maria Firmina dos Reis has new meanings and remains today an invitation to reflect on the role of literature in the decolonization of the mind.

Black-Brazilian literature as minor literature

Marcos de Jesus Oliveira

From this cultural practice emerges a link that shapes the identity of the Afro-descendant person with the territory, society and culture.

The "ombligada": philosophy of life, connection with spirituality and a method/pattern to form the Afro-Colombian man in the Pacific

Adán Pineda Olaya

The vice president's latest projects and missions are focused on the Colombian Pacific region, one of the most impoverished regions in the country, where the majority of Colombia's black and indigenous communities are located. Then we wonder if this decision can play in favor or against the vice president?

Francia Márquez, Vice President for the Colombian Pacific?

Luis Martelo Ortiz

In the current scenario, Afro-Colombian ethno-education is expected to meet its new challenges. The most complex is to return to its community origins given the historical situation of the country and the profound impacts of the armed conflict.

Assessment and challenges for the government of change

José Antonio Caicedo Ortiz

Domestic work is part of the long list of labor hierarchies that emerged between post-colonialism and modernity based on an intersectional dimension between race, gender and class as its main pillars. These intersectional nuances will say a lot about the oppressions of domestic workers in the South American region.

Black women and domestic work: from the "senzala" to the "maid's room"

Denise Braz

The social unrest that shook the country in April and May 2021 is considered by some critics to be the result of the country's political polarization or the result of a progressive loss of legitimacy in the exercise of power, but these approaches seek to distract attention from the unequal structure within which the country has operated throughout its history..

Colombia takes off: truth, happy life and political transformation

Jorge García Rincón

The presence of Francia Márquez, a black woman of working-class origin, was decisive in rallying support from the departments that have suffered the devastating effects of neoliberal and genocidal policies. Francia makes us proud of what she represents.

Historic triumph of hope

Anny Ocoró Loango

The so-called “Black Cinema” has already permeated the aspirations of Brazilian black activism. With a differentiated position regarding the representation of the individual and the black community, replacing the hegemonic model that reproduces the inferiority of Afro-descendants with a human and respectful representation, raising debates and new strategies for action.


Roberto Carlos da Silva Borges

Foto: Sebastián Pancheri. feminacida.com.ar  
“Where are you from?” is perhaps the most frequently asked question in Argentina by people who do not have Euro-descendant features. This question has its roots in the foundation of the State itself and its discursive ideal of a white and European nation.

Where are we from?

Mérida Doussou Sekel